Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Clown 4.0 - Whiteface On My Face

Over the weekend, I applied my Whiteface design.  It didn't look as good on my face as it did on the paper, because the flat surface of paper is currently easier for illusions than a three dimensional, fully functioning face.  Still, I liked it and here it is:

Here I have the face divided into quarters and have the shapes drawn on lightly with a brown eyeliner pencil.

My friend's Tramp Spock is photobombing a close up of the final result.

The makeup doesn't look as bad from a distance, even with my eyes open.  Tramp Spock wins, though.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Clown 4.0 - Auguste On My Face

A couple days ago we put our Auguste designs on our faces.  The first step was to section our faces off with a brown eyeliner pencil.  A line down the nose and a line dissecting the eyes in half, from corner to corner.  Most everyone made a solid line, but I chose to use a dashed line so there was even less chance that the markings would show through the clown makeup.  Next step was to outline the shapes that were going to be coloured in.*  Now, from lightest colour to darkest, I filled in the colours.  White needed two coats, so I added the first coat and went back to it after the rest of the makeup had a coat in their respective places.  The end was result was quite pleasing:
I think it is very close to the design and I would enjoy doing this one again.  The flesh tone turned out very nicely, but a heads up to anyone mixing: The red tends to separate from the white and yellow.  It didn't for me, but I used very little.  If it does separate when you apply, let that coat dry and then go back to it with a makeup sponge and a mix of white and yellow to even everything out.

*I found out that the makeup is not safe to put on as if it were eyeliner, so thankfully the design was black around the eyes and I have black eyeliner..

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Clown 3.0

Now it's time to narrow the choices down and enlarge them.  My choices are:



Sunday, September 9, 2012

Clown 2.0c - Tramp

Tramps, emanating from the homeless in the late ninteenth century, wear white around their mouth and sometimes the eyes.  An artificial beard is applied with greasepaint and can either be happy or sad.  The rest of the face is their own skin.  Here are my Tramps!

I wasn't too inspired by anything for these gents, but here are a few pictures of tramp clowns:

The bottom left's tongue was a tiny homage to Gene "The Demon" Simmons:

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Clown 2.0b - Auguste

Auguste clowns wear white about their eyes and mouth and the rest is generally covered in flesh tones of grease paint.  Sometimes the lower lip is red or black and the eyebrows are frequently over exaggerated.  Their wigs are essentially quite silly and their costumes are frequently too large.  They are constantly being re-invented, though!  Here are my Auguste clown face designs:

My lady clown face draws a bit from this lovely lady:

My second clown was an attempt at a butterfly.  I don't think it's a butterfly, but when I had the colours added, the face reminded me of the cover of Silence of the Lambs:

I'm a comic book fan, so when I read Babetool, I knew I wanted to get her face somewhere into this class, so here the penultimate face is my very vague tribute to her:

The final face has some Ace "The Spaceman" Frehley in it and is my favourite of the group:

Clown 2.0a - Whiteface

Whiteface clowns...they are the clowns of legend...and of childhood nightmares.  The entirety of the flesh is covered in white greasepaint and the features are added on top.  There are three subgroups of Whitefaces: The Neat Whiteface (see bottom right), The Grotesque/Comedy (see the second and third), and European Whiteface (see first). Here are Whiteface clown designs.  Please forgive the horrible Whiteface on the bottom right:

The first two were inspired by KISS:

At nine o'clock you'll see the design inspired by Game of Thrones character Khal Drogo:

And the one you must forgive was a sad attempt at the beautiful Geishas:

My favourite is the Peter "The Catman" Criss inspired cat face, then the Paul "The Starchild" Stanley inspired one, followed by the Khal Drogo inspired face.  Had I executed the Geisha face successfully, she would be my favourite.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Shading and Form

In the Chapter 4 reading the book suggested developing a familiarity with two artists, Caravaggio and Masaccio.  Having a love for art, I knew of both artists and was pleased when I quickly found their works that I most admired and believe to show off shading and form.

Masaccio's Adamo ed Eva (Expulsion from Paradise)

Caravaggio's Narcissus

In class we did some shading assignments as well.  One on a piece of grey paper to create three dimensional shapes using shading of black and creme pencils:
And another to practice making primary colours lighter or darker with black and white paint:


Freddy the Freeloader

Bozo the Clown

George "G. L." Fox

These are all research pictures for the first makeup project.  I wish we could do Pierrot or Harlequin clowns, but our options are Tramp, Auguste, and Whiteface.  I'll have to think long and hard about which kind I'll adopt.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Colour Wheels!

I love colour.  I don't have a "favourite colour", because I don't like to choose.  Each colour offers up just as much as the next.  This is why I love colour wheels!  Here are a few pictures of creative colour wheels:

I was given the chance to paint my own on a white piece of paper and then grey, so enjoy: