Saturday, September 8, 2012

Clown 2.0b - Auguste

Auguste clowns wear white about their eyes and mouth and the rest is generally covered in flesh tones of grease paint.  Sometimes the lower lip is red or black and the eyebrows are frequently over exaggerated.  Their wigs are essentially quite silly and their costumes are frequently too large.  They are constantly being re-invented, though!  Here are my Auguste clown face designs:

My lady clown face draws a bit from this lovely lady:

My second clown was an attempt at a butterfly.  I don't think it's a butterfly, but when I had the colours added, the face reminded me of the cover of Silence of the Lambs:

I'm a comic book fan, so when I read Babetool, I knew I wanted to get her face somewhere into this class, so here the penultimate face is my very vague tribute to her:

The final face has some Ace "The Spaceman" Frehley in it and is my favourite of the group:

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